Things to Know About New Student Orientation: College and University Students

Summer University Orientation

Are You New to College or University? 

Then let’s dive into New Student Orientation Questions and Answers!

Orientation sessions are usually offered in the summer for students who start school in the fall and in January for students who start school in the spring. 

Many people ask if new student orientation is compulsory for all students. The candid answer is to check your school’s website and if you’re in doubt or not clear about anything then contact your school’s admission’s office. No two colleges or universities are alike.

Orientation dates vary from school to school, but they are usually from mid-June to the end of July. The extended period is to accommodate the large influx of students, families, and guests to the school. A lot of considerations are given to accommodate unforeseen circumstances like visas or other family dynamics. The experience is new to everyone including students, families, and staff on the receiving end so check your college or university calendar for dates.

Continue reading below to find out what to expect.  Planning and preparing ahead are important to achieving the university experience students and families dream about for over 12 years from primary to secondary school and in between. 

Schools have different orientation experiences and packages to welcome and accommodate their new students.

Complete Student Orientation Experience Route

The Complete Orientation Experience is designed to provide first-year students and their families a full welcome to student life at their dream university. It is usually a two days program jam packed with activities which starts in mid-June to the end of July. Find out your own orientation dates.

New student Orientation programs were usually done on campus, but with the Covid pandemic the mode by which organization operated changed. That meant a lot of activities including orientation  programs and university campus visits went virtual. Today, with life seemingly returning to normal, schools have different ways of doing new school orientation so contact your school office for clarification.

Student Orientation Express Route

As the name implies, this is a brisk one day compressed variation of the Complete Orientation Experience for first-year students. It helps students with the basics of being a college student.

Moving School Orientation Route

Are you moving from one university to another? Some schools have orientation for students transferring to their schools. Like moving house, moving from one university to another is exciting, but can come with challenges. Moving School Orientation can help students’ move to be successful and can take the format of seminars or workshops. The topics treated can range from on campus safety, community involvement, where to get advice, and resources available to transfer students.

Who Should Attend?

Let’s get something clear; orientation doors will not be open to every person. Check to see who can attend, family members, guests, how many and how to register. You will need confirmation to attend orientation. For security purposes and to give space to families and quests of students, checks will be done at points of entry.

Orientation sessions include a simultaneous orientation program for families. Where families will stay should be an even bigger concern. Students will stay in their allocated school accommodations. Check the date on which the accommodation will open for students. If you plan to arrive on campus earlier than the open date, arrange personal accommodation.

Although parents, families and guests are invited, they will not be able to stay in the students’ accommodations. So, parents, families, and guests must make arrangements for their orientation accommodations.

Are orientations free?

Surprise!!! Unknown to many, nothing is free on college or university campuses even the ground that you walk on. During registration, did you come across something like ‘New Student Fee’ usually non refundable?

Every student must pay this fee and it covers the orientation fee for the student. However, parents, families and guests might need to pay. Find out from your school ahead of time to avoid surprises on orientation day.


There will be so many people on campus during orientation season. It’s like going to an open market or attending a live sporting event like football. There will be a ton of people so parking space will be well sought after.

Plan ahead: How far is the parking lot from the orientation venue? Some family members might not be able to walk far while some might have too many shopping bags to carry on a long walk.

Check: Is the parking free or paid? Carry the right coins. Don’t assume parking meters, coins or bank cards from your home country will be accepted all over the world.

What to Wear?

Check the weather. Will it be cold, hot, sunny, or rainy? You don’t want to not have the right clothing or protection like an umbrella or a poncho. Imagine if it’s cold and you must stand outside in a long queue – your family won’t be smiling for a long time.

Check the dress code: Is it formal or casual? What will the weather in the venue be like? Outside might be hot but with a good cooling system, some orientation halls have proven to be quite cold and therefore holding a jacket might be advisable. On the other hand, it can be too hot in the hall that appearing in a three-piece suit with a tie and stockings might be a tad-bit overdressed considering the temperature. Better to layer up so you can add or remove as the need arises. Carry a small bag to carry your giveaways and fold away attires not needed.

Changes to your orientation registration

Nothing in life is predictable and so think ahead in case you might need to change your orientation registration plans or details. Note that every school has its rules and regulations especially where payment is required.

If changes need to be made to your registration, including canceling or changing dates, adding or deleting guests, or updating information, know whom to contact. Normally the details of the persons or department to contact are on the school’s website and on the confirmation email/letter that you received.

Schools usually specify when changes can be accepted that include the number of days before the orientation. Also included on that notification is how a refund will be made if at all.

Prepare and Plan ahead so the whole family can enjoy the orientation and university experience.

Enjoy School, Learn and Be Successful.

Maybe you’re a student still in primary or secondary school dreaming about your  university orientation, hold on to that dream. If you’re a parent looking forward to the day you will attend your son or daughter’s university orientation, hold on to that dream. Maybe you would like to know more about university search, deciding on a suitable school, application and traveling processes; visit our school search page to get started.  Planning and preparing ahead are success keys. 

Until next time. Bye now!



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